
Indy’s only mobile medspa!

How to Host a Party

JEUVEAU or XEOMIN Party Price – $13/unit
DYSPORT Party Price - $5.50/unit

  • You will need a minimum of 5 people (in addition to you) that agree to treatment in order to book a party.

  • The Beautyvan is designed to be a luxurious injection studio that comes to your perfect location!

  • Plan on around 2 hours depending on how many people you have. It is recommended participants stay upright for 4 hours after treatment, so consider this when scheduling late evening events.

  • Light snacks and beverages are always a great idea for any party. Alcohol is not encouraged, but acceptable for those 21+ after consents have been signed.

  • The Beaütyvan will provide an informational email with a link your guests can follow to fill out paperwork prior to the party. Filling out forms ahead of time will give guests an idea of what to expect.

  • This is a great time spent with friends sharing all the Beaütyvan has to offer. What’s better than that?


Benefits of Hosting

If you have…

5 guests who purchase 30+ units of JEUVEAU or XEOMIN or 75 DYSPORT units EACH

receive 50% off your treatment

10 guests who purchase 20+ JEUVEAU or XEOMIN units or 50 DYSPORT units EACH

receive up to 40 units of JEUVEAU or XEOMIN or 100 units of DYSPORT FREE

Contact us
(317) 377.4448

711 S East St, 1-B
Indianapolis, IN 46225